
Metrics for Mobile Customized Website Performance

Posted by SMstudy® on January 10, 2017 | Digital Marketing (DM)

Keywords: Marketing Articles, Marketing Blogs,Mobile Metrics, Mobile Website, Website Optimization,Website Performance

Metrics for Mobile Customized Website Performance

The created mobile customized website needs to be optimized by ensuring that its reach is maximized by appearing in the top search results when customers use relevant keywords. Also, the site needs to be optimized to attract new visitors and retain those visitors. Some of the key metrics using which mobile customized site reach can be measured and then optimized are:

  • Number of visits - indicate how well the company’s overall reach is via  the mobile customized site
  • Percentage of new visitors – indicates the ability of the company to get new customers. This percentage should increase during or after marketing campaigns aimed at getting new customers
  • Visits by geography – can help to identify traffic spikes from unexpected locations and help in focusing on locations with the most traffic
  • Visits by traffic source – can help to identify changes in sources of site traffic and also evaluate effectiveness of different types of marketing campaigns in driving traffic to the site

The digital marketing team needs to analyze the referral traffic and organic traffic from mobile devices as there are a few key differences in website behavior between mobile devices and PCs. Users browse websites on their mobile devices in a much larger variety of situations as compared to when they browse them on PCs. Thus, users may browse a company’s mobile optimized site while travelling, eating out, in the middle of a social gathering, or pretty much anywhere where there is mobile internet connectivity. Also, because screen sizes of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are smaller than that of desktop PCs or laptops, the same site may display differently in different types of devices and may require additional effort for users to view websites properly on their mobile phones. In addition, the most common way for users to navigate websites in mobile devices is to use their fingers directly on the device screen for clicking, scrolling, and zooming, whereas in desktop PCs and laptops, users use their keyboard and mouse. These are just a few of the most important differences. They may result in significant differences in site usage and behavior and appropriate measures taken if these differences are resulting in the mobile experience of a website being worse than that of the PC experience.

For websites where a separate mobile site has been created, the experience of a user visiting the site from a mobile device may be significantly different than that of the desktop version of the site. If the mobile site experience is worse than the desktop experience, then it might adversely impact the reputation of the website as users might start doubting the focus which the company places on customer experience.

By further analyzing metrics like downloads, traffic, session duration and successful monetization, a company can infer what users are thinking and feeling. But without supplemental information, this data can only lead to implicit assumptions. Adding explicit insights to the post-launch data collection –quantifiable information on what users are thinking – will allow a company to make highly informed and refined decisions for customizing their mobile website channels. 

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