
The V.A.C.P. Program Anticipates the Adult Learning Boom

Posted by SMstudy® on February 02, 2016 | Marketing Strategy (MS)

Keywords: adult learning, VMEdu Authorized Content Partner

The V.A.C.P. Program Anticipates the Adult Learning Boom

Until recently, scientists believed that at a certain age, the human brain simply stopped growing. We now know that the human brain keeps developing, making new neural pathways into adulthood and can stay sharp throughout a lifetime if given the proper nourishment. Delving into understanding a brand new concept or learning a new activity are now touted as paths to a sprier, more agile mind that can keep us happier and healthier as we get wiser.

If we consider that the extremely large demographic cohort, the baby boomers, are turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 per day and are keenly aware of the latest research in brain health, it’s no surprise that we are seeing a growth spurt in adult learning. And as many also have the ability to access courses online, it’s safe to say we are entering an online adult learning boom. Authors Matthias Finger and Jose Manuel Asun agree.

In their book “Adult Education at a Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out”, they state, “adult education is indeed burgeoning. Never before has there been so much talk about “learning” and not only about children, but learning by all members of society.”

With adult learning bigger than ever, now is the time to let your inner teacher shine and share what you know. If you’ve dreamed of leading a class or feel you have a valuable subject to teach, it’s never been easier to put together a course with the VMEdu Authorized Content Partner (V.A.C.P.) program.

The VMEdu Cloud Learning Management System (LMS), built and tested over a period of seven years, is one of the best in the adult learning field. Content partners can join and launch courses for free and VMEdu provides the tools and assistance for those with the desire to create educational materials, but find themselves a bit “rusty” in their technical skills. 

Along with helping create your courses, VMEdu designs a best-in-industry mobile app for each content partner at zero-cost for Android Phones and $250 for iPhones . Courses can be made available and sold through VMEdu’s partner network of more than 750 Authorized Training Partners (A.T.P.s) around the world.

With the V.A.C.P. program, the opportunity to teach and share is closer than ever. The ease of the VMEdu platform and program guarantee a positive experience for all, including the large number of adult learners seeking stimulating, informational, inspiring classes. The adult learning boom might just be one of the best things that ever happened to you, whether you’re seeking to teach, to learn or both.

To learn more about the V.A.C.P. program, visit - www.vmedu.com/Benefits-of-VACP.asp


“Adult Education at a Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out,” Matthias Finger, Jose Manuel Asun. 2001.

“Baby Boomers Retire,” Pew Research. Dec. 29, 2010.  http://www.pewresearch.org/daily-number/baby-boomers-retire/

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