
Content Ideation: Four Techniques that Work!

Posted by SMstudy® on September 21, 2017 | Digital Marketing (DM)

Keywords: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, SMStudy, Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, blog

Content Ideation: Four Techniques that Work!

Churning out consistently great content ideas for your business campaigns can be overwhelming and it’s a rather challenging task when you’re working towards deadlines. A good content is the heart of any content campaign and the enthusiasm that surrounds that idea is what gets you through the entire content creation process and your customers to like and share your content.

Spending your time and effort on a bad idea will not only waste your valuable resources but you will also fail to attract your audience. So, here are four content ideation techniques to generate unique ideas for your next content marketing project -

The Swipe File

Ever heard of the concept of a swipe file? A swipe file is a stock of tried and tested ideas. So if you don’t have this file yet, start collecting images, ideas, technologies, and approaches that inspire you or that you would want to know more about and keep feeding them to your swipe file. Great ideas are reused over time in different ways. Referring to ideas that have grabbed your attention can help you in generating new ideas for your next campaign.

Effective Brainstorming Sessions

The two important parts of a successful brainstorming session are participants and parameters. A good brainstorm involves two or more creative brain working towards a common goal. When you brainstorm to find the right mix, sitting down with people who have no familiarity with the subject and individuals from other teams can help in gaining different insights and viewpoints on a topic. Also, outlining a few key parameters is beneficial but being too hung up on the constraints can block the creative thinking of the group.

Problems and Solutions

If you’ve hit a block in generating new ideas from scratch, you can take advantage of your most valuable asset - your customers. Keep a record of all the customer complaints and queries you’ve received earlier regarding your products and services. You can take the customer’s point of view into account and address potential issues by offering solutions within the content you have created.

Horizontal thinking

Another great technique for content ideation that is proven to work is horizontal thinking. It follows the concept that one of the best ways to develop a fresh take on a new idea is to approach it sideways. Many artists follow this technique and it's also called lateral or tangential thinking.

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